
Product Overview PredicAire was born out of the frustrations of a highly fragmented care delivery market, preventing staff providing a holistic proactive approach to care for their residents. PredicAire’s founding team have taken their own experiences of care as family members, staff, and business owners, together with extensive knowledge of Ai, and applied it to … Read more

Person Centred Software – Digital Reception

Product Overview Digital Reception is our front of house, hands free and GDPR compliant Reception System for all types of visitors to your home. The system includes the option to scan the Covid Vaccination Status and record a visitors, or a staff members, Lateral Flow Test details upon arrival. Digital Reception links to your PCS … Read more

Person Centred Software – Nursecall Messaging Service

Product Overview Person Centred Software’s Nursecall Messaging Service (NMS) is a smart messaging solution that integrates with leading brands of nursecall systems to deliver alerts, messages and notifications to smart phones and tablets , removing the requirement for pagers or dedicated medical devices. NMS integrates with brands such as Intercall, Courtney Thorne, Medicare, Aidcall, Arm, … Read more


Door guards & Telephone Systems