Company Overview
SICCAR’s purpose is to streamline digital life and business, enabling safe transactions, whilst protecting sensitive data – giving our customers the confidence to share and collaborate using our platform to improve citizen outcomes. In today’s world, people, organisations and their data are not adequately protected. Sensitive data is duplicated, used without consent, and sharing it is complex, potentially dangerous and often error prone. Traditional databases and file-based solutions can be insecure – providing a focus point for corruption or attack and where information is at risk of being accessed by unauthorised users.
Product Overview

SICCAR applies blockchain technologies and encryption – to provide a cybersecure distributed data store. Information is tamper-proof and sensitive data is encrypted so that only the intended recipient can access it. Uniquely, SICCAR’s tools enable process and data governance policy to be enforced – with minimal disclosure of citizen or organisation sensitive data. Policy is simply defined and co-operatively agreed by stakeholders of the public services processes.
Our platform, which is new to the social care market, allows public, private and voluntary organisations to collaborate using shared registers to better support citizens. It allows a trust network to be established between these organisations, each adding data to the register in a way agreed by consensus, while citizens retain control over who can see their personal data.
Our SICCAR platform connects organisations – with process and data shared across organisational boundaries – to achieve citizen-centric streamlined experiences, and chains of custody for sensitive data exchange, validation and verification.