Company Overview
Ulysses Data Management Systems Ltd (UDMS Ltd) T/A Ulysses, a member of the CareFor Group (CareFor IT Ltd).
As a member of the CareFor Group we are able to offer the Ulysses CareFor Scheduling Cloud software solution, to enable care providers to manage the provision of support to the service users they have social care responsibilities for and in their own homes, visiting as appropriate, with single/double/triple-handed visits scheduled accordingly. The Ulysses CareFor scheduling Cloud software solution comprises the CareFor scheduling system Cloud software, integrated CareFor Family Portal and integrated CareFor Carer and Supported Living mobile apps for use by each care provider / care home operator team managers, co-ordinators and administrators in the office and domiciliary reablement support workers in the field, or care home staff delivering care on-premise.
Product Overview

CareFor offers care providers and care home operators an integrated suite of tools that supports your care business through 5 critical stages of compliance and sustainability.
1. Planning – use your precious resources efficiently, match skills to service user needs and ensure you consistently meet service user needs.
2. Scheduling – Streamlined rostering to minimise travel time and costs whilst maximising continuity of care
3. Delivery – Effortless remote call and service delivery monitoring using a smartphone app. Care worker have person centred task lists and can record medication admin using the eMAR function
4. Monitoring – Automated confirmation of delivery and simplified reporting for CQC and contract compliance. Early warning of delivery issues and any risks of noncompliance.
5. Payment – Fully automated billing and payroll data ensures you and your team get paid promptly and accurately.
We have mobile apps that are suitable for both Domiciliary Care and also Care Home settings and we offer both online demonstrations to show the system capabilities and a free 14-day trial too. We provide a fully integrated suite of scheduling Cloud software and a choice of mobile apps plus a range of flexible reporting capabilities supporting not only monitoring and safety but also reporting on compliance and providing the data for electronic payroll, expenses and billing data with flexible exports all standard.