Company Overview
Live across 100,000 users, we support organisations in the following areas:
- Build, manage, and deploy their own in-house bank of staff through our shift booking tool – reducing the reliance on costly agency recruitment fees and increasing the quality of care by using reliable, committed, flexible workers
- Display live news and the latest protocols for all staff, or focused news for specific teams/buildings/areas – keeping staff engaged and up to date
- Push instant alerts through our notification’s capability, and receive feedback instantly
- Provide a safe and secure communication and messenger app
- Measure and report on success whilst informing strategy with data via the analytics tool
- Interoperable via our API systems with existing customer technology
- A Wellbeing module developed in conjunction with the NHS that signposts areas of concern and increases staff satisfaction

Scott Hodges
Product Overview

Ryalto is the leading mobile application in application care, connecting the workforce and reducing shift vacancies, supporting higher quality and effective care practice. Our market research show that care organisations, who are at digital maturity, with positive ratings in their Staff Survey are more likely to be rated Outstanding or Good by CQC. Ryalto connects managers with staff in real-time, giving a central source of truth and the ability to relay information quickly and securely, improving productivity and quality of service. They can communicate using our news feed and messenger app and have the ability to notify all colleagues instantly using our notifications features.
Our application provides a tool that can increase engagement and communication across the workforce and sector while also providing organisations with the capability to advertise and schedule work. Leadership, high levels of engagement and being able to rapidly communicate to the workforce are key to driving quality of service. The Ryalto App is the medium Social Care providers need to support open and fast communication and the ability to share information amongst colleagues quickly, and reduce reliance on emails and posters.
Ryalto can connect commissioners with social care providers, keeping providers up to date and aware of business opportunities and other critical information, ensuring sustainability of services.