Company Overview
Fastroi Ltd are a care management software company based in Finland but with clients in the UK. The company was formed in 2003 when our CEO, Risto Jalovaara, was assisting in providing care for his Mother. He noticed that the nurses and care workers needed to spend a lot of time completing paperwork and so it gave him the idea to try and invent a system that would help people make this process more efficient. Fastroi are the market leaders in Finland with their 2 products, Hilkka for Adult social care and Nappula for Children’s social care and have offices in Joensuu, Tampere and Vantaa. In the UK they have contracts with Surrey County Council, Leeds City Council and North Yorkshire County Council to provide their in house services with their software Real Time Care.
Fastroi – Product Overview

Real Time Care is a cloud based, care management system that is available via a web browser or as a mobile application (both Android & iOS). It combines the ability to plan and manage employee work shifts and match those shifts with the appointments of the people receiving services, considering their individual needs and situation. It provides up to do date information to carers working out in the field via the mobile app and allows them to record what takes place during visits quickly and efficiently. Managers and supervisors are able to monitor what is taking place during the course of the day and be proactive in spotting any issues that may occur. There is also a comprehensive suite of reports that can be used to analyse patterns and trends to