Company Overview
Edenic Group is a team of innovation consultants and behavioural change experts with many years of experience developing disruptive thinking and innovation concepts for globally recognised brands and organisations. Based in Hull, the team is formed of colleagues with a shared interest in developing innovation strategies and disruptive thinking, and helping businesses, organisations and groups navigate what is a rapidly changing, digital-first, commercial landscape.
Their self-developed innovation methodology, named ‘Eve’, underpins the innovation workshops and training that they deliver, and is designed to discover innovative ideas, and solutions to business challenges, as well as keep their clients future-thinking and disruptive in their marketplace. Edenic’s work is designed to achieve three key innovation outcomes for their clients we call them the 3 D’s. Be Disruptive, Embrace Digital, Think Differently.
The Edenic Group has developed a portfolio of products to enhance innovation within organisations and delivers innovation workshops for notable brands around the world.
Product Overview
We help organisations in the private and public sector to be disruptive, embrace digital and think differently. Through our workshops and training sessions, we can help clients develop a plan for innovation, streamline services, improve experiences, increase revenues, change cultures and futureproof their organisation. We also advise on and manage new product or service developments and roll out. We are essentially a start to finish innovation company set up to support and transform businesses to be truly evolving and innovative organisations.